Whatever the type of loan you require, It could be a startup loan to finance your dream business, or you require funds for your growing business or a Personal Loan. Zefa Microfinance Bank may be able to give you the financial support you need. The process is straight forward and is explained in detail here.
Our team are always on hand to provide help to customers when applying for a loan.
The following 4 steps are involved towards processing loan applications successfully with Zefa Microfinance Bank Limited.
Visit our Loan Packages page to see which one best suits your needs.
Once you know which of our Loan Packages is right for your business or Personal needs, Kindly complete and submit the Online Application Form.
Once we receive your completed online application a customer service staff will get in touch with you immediately. The staff will discuss your application in detail with you. You will be expected to provide additional information/documents necessary to process your application.
Once we have made a credit decision, we will contact you to let you know if your application has been successful. In the event that we cannot approve your application, we will advise you of the reasons for the decline decision and identify the areas that need to be addressed.